Classification of waste as
hazardous or non-hazardous
reports and presentations
Site in Swedish here. (Latest update 2020-02-23)


The comprehensive reports are still in Swedish but have summaries in English.
The report on REACH, however, is entirely in English, see below.

Sjöblom, R. Klassning av förbränningsrester som farligt eller icke farligt avfall. (Title in English: Classification of residues from combustion and incineration as hazardous or non-hazardous waste). Energiforsk Rapport 2017:423, november, 2017. Rapport.

Sjöblom, R. Stabilisering av bly i flygaska från avfallsförbränning genom åldring och karbonatisering i kontakt med luft och fukt. (Title in English: Stabilization of lead in incineration fly ash by ageing and carbonatation in contact with air and moisture).Avfall Sverige, Rapport 2017:03, februari 2017. Rapport.

Sjöblom, R. and Noläng, B. The significance of solid solution in iron (hydr)oxides for stabilization of elements potentially harmful to health and environment. (Swedish title: Betydelsen av fast löslighet i järn(hydr)oxider
för fastläggning av potentiellt miljöstörande ämnen i askor). Värmeforsk (the Swedish Thermal Engineering Research Association), Report 1198, November, 2011. Rapport.

Sjöblom, R.. Pertinent methodology for basic characterization of ash for acceptance for landfilling. (Swedish title: Lämplig metodik för grundläggande karakterisering av aska för acceptans på deponi). Avfall Sverige (Swedish Waste Management), Report U2011:22, October, 2011. Rapport.

Sjöblom R. och Tivegård A-M. Methodology for qualification of wood-based ash according to REACH - pre-study. Miljöriktig användning av askor, Rapport 1127. Värmeforsk, februari 2011. Rapport.  

Sjöblom, R. Application of the ordinance of waste SFS 2001:1063, contribution to the knowledge base on residues from combustion and incineration. (Swedish title: Tillämpning av avfallsförordningen SFS
2001:1063; Bidrag till kunskapsbasen avseende förbränningsrester). Värmeforsk (the Swedish Thermal Engineering Research Association). Report 1103, March, 2009. Rapport.

Sjöblom, R. Basis for selection of reference substance for zinc for classification of ash under the ordinance of waste. (Swedish title: Underlag för val av referenssubstans för zink inför klassning enligt
Avfallsförordningen). Avfall Sverige (Swedish Waste Management), Report F2007:03, October, 2007. Rapport.

Adler, P., Haglund, J.-E.,. and Sjöblom, R. Guidance for classification of incineration residues according to the Ordinance of waste. (Swedish title: Vägledning för klassificering av förbränningsrester enligt Avfallsförordningen). Värmeforsk  (the Swedish Thermal Engineering Research Association), Report 866, January, 2004. Rapport.



Sjöblom, R., Zietek, A., Gaude, E., Fagerqvist, J. and Karlfeldt Fedje, K. Stabilization of lead in incineration fly ash by ageing and carbonatation in contact with moisture and air. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Vol. 11, Nr 5, pp. 683-693, 2016. Article. Presented at the 8th International Conference on Waste Management and the Environment, 7 - 9 June, 2016, Valencia, Spain. Presentation.

Sjöblom, R. Classification of ash as hazardous or non-hazardous waste.  Crete 2014. 4th International Conference. Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management. Presentation and paper.  

Sjöblom, R. Sustainability of combustion and incineration of renewable fuels: example of Sweden . WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol. 176, pp 173-184, 2013. Presentation and paper.  

Sjöblom, R. Classification of waste as hazardous or non-hazardous - the cases of ash and slag. WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol. 163, pp 285-296, 2012. Presentation and paper 

Sjöblom, R. Hazard evaluation of ash under the new waste framework directive (2008/98/EC). Värmeforsk, Ash Utilisation 2012, January 25-27, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. Presentation. 

Sjöblom, R. Hazard evaluation for inorganic materials having complex chemical form with emphasis on waste, recycled materials and by-products. Värmeforsk, Ash Utilisation 2012, January 25-27, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. Presentation and paper

Sjöblom, R. and Noläng, B. On the significance of solid solution in iron (hydr)oxides for immobilisation of potnetially polluting elements in ashes. Värmeforsk, Ash Utilisation 2012, January 25-27, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. Poster and paper

Sjöblom R., Tham G., Haglund J.-E. and Ribbing C. Classification of waste according to the European Union Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste from a Swedish application perspective. Submitted for publication at CIWM Conference 12th – 16th June 2006, Paignton, Torbay, UK. Presentation and paper.

Sjöblom R., Tham G., Haglund J.-E. and Sjöö C. Environmental qualification of ash from wood-based recycled fuels for utilization in covers for landfills. Kalmar ECO-TECH ’05 and The Second Baltic Symposium of Environmental Chemistry, Kalmar, Sweden, November 28-29, 2005. Presentation and paper.

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